Wednesday, December 15, 2010

last days in india.

So I haven't been the most wonderful updater of our India experiences, and now our time here is coming to a close, but if you want to hear of all the frustrating, laughable, adorable, inconsiderate, sincere, unbelievable, etc., things we have experienced, then you'll just have to wait until we talk about it face to face.
In the meantime, we will be on a train for the next forty hours, we will do a whirlwind downtown tour of Mumbai, then we will be on our way home to our wonderful mother country of the United States of America. For those of you who think little of America and complain about it, live in a third world country for five months, then you'll see how fortunate we really are.
But enough preachy stuff. I have things to pack.
Much love, and I look forward to a washer and dryer, multivitamins, and hot showers!

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